الأحد، 2 يونيو 2024

My Wife Thinks I’m God


Pair of Gloves
Doctor Jokes
Submitted by RS

Doctor: "I accidentally left my gloves inside your stomach during your operation. We have to operate on you again."

Patient: "Are you kidding me?!?! Tell you what Doc, take this $10 bill and buy a new pair!"


My Wife Thinks I'm God
Family Jokes
Submitted by HENNE

The first guy said, "My wife, she thinks so much of me that she won't let me do any work around the house. It's incredible."

The second guy says, "That's nothing. My wife thinks I'm God."

"She thinks you're God? What makes you say that?"

"Every night at dinner time, she places a burnt offering before me."


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"Nothing is funnier than unhappiness."

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