السبت، 7 سبتمبر 2024

Calvin and Elmer


My Son, the Chicken
Misc Jokes
Submitted by allen wall

"Doctor, I have a son who thinks he's a chicken," said the man.

"Why don't you bring him in for treatment?" asked the doctor.

"We need the eggs," replied the man.


Calvin and Elmer
Entertainment Jokes
Submitted by Anonymous

Calvin sees Elmer and asks, "What's up?"

Elmer says, "First I got tonsillitis, followed by appendicitis and pneumonia. After that I got erysipelas with hemachromatosis. Following that I got poliomyelitis and finally ended up with neuritis. Then they gave me hypodermics and inoculations."

"Boy, you had quite a time."

"I'll say! I thought I'd never pull through that spelling test."


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An Escape From Reality

"Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it."

― Lloyd Alexander

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