الثلاثاء، 23 يناير 2024

Professional Worrier


Tough Problem
School Jokes
Submitted by merk

Teacher: If you multiplied 50 by 8 and then divided by 4, what would you get?

Student: The wrong answer.


Professional Worrier
Misc Jokes
Submitted by wadejagz

Jack had been a compulsive worrier for years, to the point it was ruining his life. He saw a psychologist who recommended a specialist who could help him. His friend, Bob, noticed a dramatic change and asked, "What happened? Nothing seems to worry you anymore."

"I hired a professional worrier and I haven't had a worry since," replied Jack.

"That must be expensive," Bob replied.

"He charges $5,000 a month," Jack told him.

"$5,000!!! How in the world can you afford to pay him?" exclaimed Bob.

"I don't know. That's his problem."


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Thought Of The Day:

Getting Rid of Stress

Walk barefoot. Doing so stimulates pressure points on the soles, releasing the calming hormone dopamine.

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[CyberJoke3000] January 23, 2024

It's Al Lowe's CyberJoke 3000™

Did you know that about 5% of the world's gold lies under a New York City Dunkin' Donuts? But why? Half as Interesting tells you:

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Today's CyberJoke 3000™

To make a long story short, there's nothing like the boss walking in!

My wife told me she that she had lost some weight. I said, "Great." But when she turned and walked away, I told her, "Found it!"

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