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Connect With Us You received this email because you signed up for email notifications from AJokeADay.com. To opt out of these emails unsubscribe here. JokePrize, Inc. 999 E Touhy Ave, Ste. 500, Des Plaines, IL 60018 1995-2024 © All rights reserved. | |||||||||
It's Al Lowe's CyberJoke 3000™
I fully intended to post some new sight gags tonight, but my car broke down and I got to share the cab of a tow truck with some nice Jordanian guys. So, here’s half a serving:
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Today's CyberJoke 3000™
Two hot blonde twins entered a store. The cashier checked them out and asked, "Are you girls sisters?" They both laughed. "Sisters? We aren't even religious!"
The Indian chief called his three sons into his tepee. "Since you are all coming of age, I've decided on your warrior names. Son number one, you shall be known as..." Son number three interrupted. "Father! Father! What will I be called?" The chief said, "I will come to you in turn, my son. Now, son number one, you shall be known as Eagle." Son number one asked, "Why, Father?" "Because you will be strong and precise in battle and fear no others." Number three son asked, "Father! Father! What will I be called?" The chief replied, "I will come to you in turn, my son. Son number two, you shall be known as Swallow." Son number two asked, "Why, father?" Number three son interrupted again. "Father! Father! What will I be called?" The chief said, "I will come to you in turn, my son. Son number two, you will be called Swallow because you will be swift and silent and surprise your enemy in battle." The chief turned to his third son. "Son number three: you shall be known as Piles." Son number three asked, "Piles? Why Piles?" "Because, my son: you are a pain in the ass!"
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To contact me
For more humor, visit allowe.com.
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I am not the author of these jokes and I do not claim any copyright privileges concerning them. I assume them to be in the public domain. I do my best not to use copyrighted material. If you see any, tell me and I'll remove it immediately. You're welcome to send these jokes to anyone, as long as you forward this entire email, complete with all this information intact.