الأحد، 23 يونيو 2024

Prayer Positions


A Man with Glasses
One Liner Jokes
Submitted by Harry Finkelstein

Never hit a man with glasses...

Use your fists instead.


Prayer Positions
Religious Jokes
Submitted by HENNE

Three preachers sat discussing the best positions for prayer, while a telephone repairman worked nearby.

"Kneeling is definitely best," claimed one.

"No," another contended. "I get the best results standing with my hands outstretched to Heaven."

"You're both wrong," the third insisted. "The most effective prayer position is lying prostrate, face down on the floor."

The repairman could contain himself no longer. "Hey, fellas," he interrupted, "the best prayin' I ever did was hangin' upside down from a telephone pole."


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