الثلاثاء، 10 سبتمبر 2024

Food Allergy


Bottom of the Class
School Jokes
Submitted by merk

"I'm worried about you always being at the bottom of your class," said the father to his son.

"Don't worry Dad," he replied. "They still teach the same thing at both ends."


Food Allergy
Food Jokes
Submitted by HENNE

Because of an ear infection, my young son, Casey, had to go to the pediatrician. I was impressed with the way the doctor directed his comments and questions to my son. When he asked Casey, "Is there anything you are allergic to?" Casey nodded and whispered in his ear. Smiling, the pediatrician wrote out a prescription and handed it to me.

Without looking at it, I tucked it into my purse. Later, the pharmacist filled the order, remarking on the unusual food-drug interaction my son must have. When he saw my puzzled expression, he showed me the label on the bottle.

As per the doctor's instructions, it read: Do not take with broccoli.


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Thought Of The Day:

Don't Expect Us To Be Impressed

"Well, don't expect us to be too impressed. We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear."

- Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

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إقرأ المزيد Nokta365

[CyberJoke3000] September 10, 2024

It's Al Lowe's CyberJoke 3000™

In honor of the passing of great actor James Earl Jones, here he is reading David Letterman’s Top 10 List in his incredible voice:

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Today's CyberJoke 3000™

I was fired from my job as a stage designer. I left without making a scene.

A nun went to the market and ordered 120 fresh bananas for the convent. The clerk said, "If you buy such a large quantity, it is more economical to purchase 144." The nun conceded, "Oh, okay. We can always eat the other 24!"

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إقرأ المزيد Nokta365

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