الجمعة، 8 مارس 2024

Swallowing a Coin


It's Not for the Animals
Food Jokes
Submitted by ERS

When I met my now wife, I asked if she was vegetarian because she really loved animals.

She responded, "No, I just really hate vegetables."


Swallowing a Coin
Political Jokes
Submitted by merk

The kid had swallowed a coin and it got stuck in his throat, and so his mother ran out in the street yelling for help. A man passing by took the boy by his shoulders and hit him with a few strong strokes on the back, and so he coughed the coin out.

"I don't know how to thank you, doc..." his mother started.

"I'm not a doctor," the man replied, "I'm from the IRS."


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Thought Of The Day:

I Avoid Temptation

"I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it."

- Mae West

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إقرأ المزيد Nokta365

[CyberJoke3000] March 8, 2024

It's Al Lowe's CyberJoke 3000™

Read this short article about the effects of Covid on the brain. Mild Covid has been shown to cause a loss of three IQ points. If re-infected, another two are lost. And worse!

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Today's CyberJoke 3000™

A minister lamented that it was difficult to get his message across to his Florida congregation. He said, "It's so beautiful here in the winter that heaven doesn't interest them. And it's so hot here in the summer that hell doesn't scare them!"

Bully: "Your dick is the size of a Tic-Tac." Kid: "That's why your mom's breath smells so good."

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إقرأ المزيد Nokta365

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