الاثنين، 10 يونيو 2024

[CyberJoke3000] June 10, 2024

It's Al Lowe's CyberJoke 3000™

School’s almost out. Celebrate here:

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Today's CyberJoke 3000™

Two men came to the house to install the new kitchen floor. After they moved the stove and refrigerator out of the way, it didn't take long before the job was done. They started to leave without moving the appliances back. "Okay, but that's not in your contract. It'll cost you $50." I had no choice but to pay. But as soon as they were gone, the doorbell rang. It was the same two men. "Would you please move your car? It's blocking our van." "Sure, I'll move it. But it'll cost you $50."

What do blondes do with their asshole in the morning? Fix him lunch and send him to work!

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To contact me
For more humor, visit allowe.com.
Send your jokes, comments and feedback for CyberJoke 3000™ here.

Copyright information
I am not the author of these jokes and I do not claim any copyright privileges concerning them. I assume them to be in the public domain. I do my best not to use copyrighted material. If you see any, tell me and I'll remove it immediately. You're welcome to send these jokes to anyone, as long as you forward this entire email, complete with all this information intact.


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