الاثنين، 24 يونيو 2024

[CyberJoke3000] June 24, 2024

It's Al Lowe's CyberJoke 3000™

Look! It’s the first sight gags of summer!

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Today's CyberJoke 3000™

Two inmates were chatting in the prison food line. One told the other, "When I was governor, the food here was better!"

"I thought I was in love three times." "How so?" "Five years ago, I deeply cared for a woman who wanted nothing to do with me." "And that wasn't love?" "No, that was obsession. Two years ago, I deeply cared for a beautiful woman who didn't understand me." "So that was love?" "No, that was lust. And, just last month, I met a woman aboard a Caribbean cruise. She was smart, funny, and loved sex. Everywhere we went together on that boat, I got a strange sensation." "Was that love?" "No, that was seasickness!"

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For more humor, visit allowe.com.
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I am not the author of these jokes and I do not claim any copyright privileges concerning them. I assume them to be in the public domain. I do my best not to use copyrighted material. If you see any, tell me and I'll remove it immediately. You're welcome to send these jokes to anyone, as long as you forward this entire email, complete with all this information intact.


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