الثلاثاء، 13 أغسطس 2024

[CyberJoke3000] August 13, 2024

It's Al Lowe's CyberJoke 3000™

CyberJokester Jyrki sends along the latest in China street food delicacies: spicy ice cubes. Seriously. My question is: "Why?"

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Today's CyberJoke 3000™

"911. What's your emergency?" "Come quick! My friend was bitten by a wolf!" "Where?" "No, the regular kind!"

It was another killer hot day in basic training and the sergeant in charge of bayonet drill was trying to get his listless men to attack their stuffed dummies with more vigor. Finally, in exasperation, he halted the exercise and barked, "Men, those dummies are your enemy! They burned your homes and killed your parents, carried away your sisters, stole your money, and drank all your whiskey!" He gave the command and the recruits moved toward the dummies with new purpose. One recruit, his eyes stern, and his lips drawn into a snarl, yelled, "Hey, Sarge? Which one o' them dummies drank the whiskey?"

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For more humor, visit allowe.com.
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I am not the author of these jokes and I do not claim any copyright privileges concerning them. I assume them to be in the public domain. I do my best not to use copyrighted material. If you see any, tell me and I'll remove it immediately. You're welcome to send these jokes to anyone, as long as you forward this entire email, complete with all this information intact.


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