الأربعاء، 15 مايو 2024

I'm In Trouble


Debt Free
Misc Jokes
Submitted by Lloyd Grant

I am overjoyed! Soon I will be able to payoff all my loans and at last be debt free.

I'm on my way to the bank, thrilled to know that in a very short while I will finally have all the money I need to begin enjoying life for once.

I am so excited I can hardly get my ski mask on!"


I'm In Trouble
Relationship Jokes
Submitted by Louis

My wife was shopping and sent me a picture of her in a dress she was thinking of buying and asked me, "Does this dress make me look big?"

I answered back, "Noooo..."

Autocorrect changed my answer, to "Moooo..."

Please send help!


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Thought Of The Day:

Art Reaches Its Greatest Peak

"Art reaches its greatest peak when devoid of self-consciousness. Freedom discovers man the moment he loses concern over what impression he is making or about to make."

- Bruce Lee (Tao of Jeet Kune Do)

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