الجمعة، 10 مايو 2024

You Can't Fish Here


A Giant's Pronouns
Submitted by Danny Jackson

What are a giant's pronouns?



You Can't Fish Here
Sport Jokes
Submitted by Bumpa Hennigar

A fisherman began to drill a hole in the ice to fish when a voice called out, "You can't fish there."

He moved the drill a few feet and began to drill again and the voice repeated, "You can't fish there either."

After three more attempts he yelled, "Why can't I fish here?"

"You can't fish anywhere here, this is an ice rink."


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Husband Squared Away

"It seems I have spent a lifetime of mouthing mechanically, 'Say thank you. Sit up straight. Use your napkin. Close your mouth when you chew. Don't lean back in your chair.' Just when I finally got my husband squared away, the kids came along."

- Erma Bombeck

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